Computer Graphics Survey

Rendering a 3D Scene and Exporting to VRML

Using Strata StudioPro 2.5 on MacOS Computers

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Before beginning the project

Read the information that pertains specifically to the way the ACG Lab operates. This section of the directions may not apply if you work on the project elsewhere.

Tutorial Goals

To complete the 3D portion of our web page we will return to Strata StudioPro to:
  1. Export the model as a VRML file. VERY IMPORTANT: make sure to complete this step before proceeding with the rest of the project.
  2. Setup scene views to resume work on your model.
  3. Choose the rendering attributes for the scene.
  4. Render a thumbnail image of the model, to be used for a hyperlink to the actual 3d scene.
  5. Edit the homepage HTML file to add a link to the VRML file, using SimpleText.

Export the 3D Scene as a VRML File

  1. Re-open the 3D logo file created in the previous session, using Strata StudioPro.
  2. Use File-->Save As to display the Save dialog
  3. Choose 'VRML 1.0' from the 'File Format' pop-up menu at the bottom of the dialog.
  4. Enter the filename (all lowercase) according to these rules:
  5. Click 'Save'
  6. Strata StudioPro won't be able to open the VRML file if you need to make changes to the scene. Make sure to also use the File-->Save command to update the StudioPro version of your document, and keep it on your disks.

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View setup

  1. Make sure you are still viewing an Orthographic projection (slider at the top of the document window).
  2. Switch to a shaded display (second pop-up menu at the top-left of the document window).
  3. As you work, switch to an appropriate view
  4. Render the scene whenever you need to check effects not displayed in the modeling window.

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Apply textures

Create and apply a new solid-color texture

  1. Use the selection tool to select the object you want to texture.
  2. If the Resource palette is not visible, display it using the Windows menu.
  3. In the Resources palette, click on the 'Textures' tab. Choose 'Simple Color' from the pop-up menu 'New'.
    'new simple color' command
  4. The 'Simple Color' dialog appears
    simple color dialog
  5. Click 'OK' to exit the dialog and apply the new texture to the selected object.

Create and apply a new glossy texture

  1. Use the selection tool to select the object you want to texture.
  2. Choose 'Surface Texture' from the pop-up menu 'New' in the Resources palette.
  3. The 'Surface Texture' dialog appears
    surface texture dialog
  4. Click 'OK' to exit the dialog and apply the new texture to the selected object.

Apply an existing texture to an object in the scene

  1. Make sure the object to be textured is selected.
  2. If necessary, click the Library button to expand the Resource palette.
    click Library button to expand Resource palette
  3. Find a texture you like:
  4. Click on the texture preview to select it, then click the apply button:
    applying a texture

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Adjust lighting

  1. Change the orientation and settings of the default light
  2. Create and adjust a new light. This can be used to light the inside of the room, so details of your logo are more visible.
  3. Again use the camera at the bottom of the toolbox for a test rendering, to better see the effect of your lighting adjustments.

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Choose other environment effects

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Render a Still Image

This picture will be used as a thumbnail for the link from your web page to your VRML file

  1. Change your viewpoint to show the scene at its best
  2. Do a draft-quality test rendering. Close the rendering window (without saving). Make further adjustments if necessary.
  3. Render and save the final image as a JPEG file

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Edit the HTML File for Your Web Page

  1. Make sure the VRML file exported by Strata StudioPro (called 'yourname.wrl) is in the exact same folder as your other files for the web.
  2. Drag the icon of your homepage file (called 'yourname.html') and drop it on SimpleText
  3. Click to place the insertion point where you would like to see the thumbnail linking to your VRML logo scene.
  4. Enter the tag to display the thumbnail:
  5. Before the IMG tag, enter the start tag for the link to your VRML file:
  6. After the IMG tag, enter the end tag for the link:
  7. Following all of the above instructions, Sam Sample's HTML file would contain this line:

Before leaving, make sure you transfer your new 3d file and the edited HTML file to the file server for posting to the web server.

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VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)

A standard way to describe the contents of a 3D scene. It is used in some web sites to give greater immediacy to the viewers' experience. It's advantages include:

The main disadvantage of VRML is that it requires viewers to have access to fairly powerful computers to properly experience the 3D environment. VRML has also been hampered by spotty support in browser software, and a conflicted standardization process. In fact, VRML is currently in limbo and due to be replaced by X3D "really soon".


Information specific to the ACG Lab


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This document originally at <>
Copyright 1997-99 by Sandro Corsi.
Last modified 29 Nov 1999.
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